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Intelligent Matchmaking for Non-Governmental Organizations, Community-Based Organizations, Civil Society Organizations & Social Enterprises.

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Whatever the Mission. 

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Help Self Help Center

NGO in Kenya

Intervention Areas: Agriculture & Climate Change 

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Be A Seedling

CBO in Marsabit, Kenya 

Intervention Areas: Environmental Conservation & Poverty Alleviation

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 406 active verified community projects 
and counting...

We serve nonprofits, social businesses, social investors, and philanthropists both institutional and individual by giving reliable insights and access to verified grassroots communities in Kenya promoting trust and visibility in the sector. 

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Get involved through 
tuiFUND Angels

tuiFUND Angels is a campaign that encourages peer-to-peer giving or “giving circles” that allows anyone from across the world to donate between $10-$500 towards a general cause or specific project verified through tuiFUND!


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Driving Sustainability Among Grassroots
Impact Organizations

Introduction to ESG and Basic Business Literacy Virtual Fully-funded Program presented by tuiFUND, US-Africa Initiatives & Santa Clara University’s My Own Business Institute (MOBI) 

Our Partners, Beneficiaries & Affiliations

Under UN SDG 17, we strive to create a circle of influence for the community organizations we serve. This is achieved through multi-stakeholder partnerships that mobilize and share knowledge, expertise, and financial resources, to support the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals from the grassroots up.
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+254 795 464213
Concert House, Wood Garden Road
Nairobi, Kenya
To ensure the flow of philanthropic funds and social investment to grassroots communities in Kenya
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