Getting Started
What is tuiFUND
Tuifund is a Micro-grant fund for African Social Enterprises addressing critical social and/or environmental issues through their businesses. The grant amounts are between $500 - $5,000.
What is a Social Enterprises
A social enterprise is an organization that uses commercial or business strategies to benefit society or the environment. This is best done by maximizing social impact alongside profits.
Who is eligible to apply for funding?
Registered Social enterprises operating in Kenya
What are our funding priorities?
Tuifund is a broad-based funder. Our general funding priorities are on enterprises in Health, Women inclusion, Education, Human Services, Environment, Technology and Arts & Culture. These are not rigid categories, and many of our grants overlap more than one. We focus on enterprises that have a strong presence and understanding of local communities with the ability to reach underserved populations through flexible and innovative business models and where our funding can make direct and measurable impact.
Can we meet with Tuifund staff to discuss a potential grant? Do you make site visits?
Tuifund is accessible to grant-seeking enterprises by email, phone and in person. We encourage first-time grant seekers to call or email Tuifund to discuss available or listed funding. Site visits might be conducted during the review process if need be. We regularly conduct follow-up visits for enterprises we have already funded to check on the progress.
Are grants ever awarded for a different amount than the amount requested?
A grant amount less than requested may be awarded. In this case, Tuifund will require a modified budget and revised program/project plan reflecting the amount awarded.
Our Funding
Micro-grant funding is currently open to social enterprises only.
Non-profit organizations will benefit from matchmaking where they will be matched with potential funders.
How do I appy for a Micro-grant ?
The Micro-grants are only open to Social enterprises that are members of the fund. To become a member of the fund, an organization has to submit an application and make a non-refundable payment of 3,000 kshs. Once the application has been submitted, we will review the application and notify the applicant of the outcome. If the application:
1. If successful the enterprise will receive an invitation to become a member of the fund and will be required to pay an annual membership fee of 30,000 kshs or a semi-annual 15,000 kshs. As a member, you will be eligible to make an application for a micro-grant on
2. Is not successful the enterprise will be notified
Can I apply for funding at anytime?
No, Tuifund does not accept spontaneous applications submitted via email, phone or social media. All applications can only be submitted through official calls for proposals. Each call clearly lists the application requirements, including all application forms, the deadline and how to submit the application
How can I find out whether I am eligible for funding?
Each call for proposal includes detailed information on what kind of thematic areas we will fund, who can apply, the application deadline and all application guidelines.
I wanted to apply for funding under a specific call but I missed the deadline for application. Can I still apply for funding?
No, following the principles of fairness and transparency, all deadlines for funding are final. Applications can therefore not be submitted after the deadline has passed
If we have more than one need for funding, can we present options, and ask Tuifund to identify the one that best fits its funding priorities?
The most important consideration should be your organization’s priorities and needs. Tuifund staff will not make that choice for you, but you are welcome to call to discuss whether a specific program or project fits. However, we strongly encourage you to review our Grant History first for guidance.
Can anyone help me write a Grant Proposal and/or a Project Report?
We do not provide direct assistance with writing proposal but we can recommend qualified consultants that can assist.
Feel free to check out who frequently conduct training, workshops and webinars on proposal writing, fundraising and grants management programs among other relevant topics.
How much money should my organization request for?
The amount of funding available will be indicated on the specific call for proposals. This will vary with each Grant round.
When will a decision be made on my request?
Tuifund staff assesses applications for completeness and eligibility. Once all applications are received it will take 1-2 months to review and make a decision. A decision on your application will be made after an assessment of all complete applications is done. Staff may contact you during the review process if we require additional information.
Who makes the Grants Decisions?
Grant applications are reviewed by a selection committee, which makes recommendations to the Board of Directors. The Board is responsible for all grant award decisions. A funder may also be incorporated in the decision making process if they are sponsoring the funding round.
When do I need to submit reports on an existing grant?
Reports for the project(s) will be required semi-anually or annually depending on the scope of the project and duration
Do you fund organizations outside Africa?
Currently, tuifund’s focus is on Social Enterprises in Kenya with expected expansion to the larger Africa
If I have a query whom do I contact?
You can email us through or call us via +254 769 973 341
Matchmaking is open to legally registered and subscribed Fundees (social enterprise/non-profit organization) with a project/program that requires funding
What is matchmaking on tuifund?
Match-making on tuifund is about connecting non-profit organizations to potential donors from our broad database of funders and funding opportunities.
How do I become a Fundee?
For Non-profit organizations seeking to be matched, register and subscribe to either of our packages.
How do I become a Funder?
Corporates, philanthropists & investors register free on tuifund
How does it work?
Step 1:Registering/sign-up on tuifund as a fundee
Step2: Receive membership approval
Step 3: Complete your organization profile and list your project(s). Step 4: Subscribe to a package
Step 5: Get matched with funders and funding opportunities and
Step 6: Receive a regular matching updates.
Data Collection
What kind of information will tuifund Collect?
The data we will collect will be informed by the enterprise activities and our data needs. This will be donw with express consent from the
How will the data be collected?
Corporates, philanthropists & investors register free on tuifund
Will tuifund share my data?
The data provided, will be analyzed and synthesized into reports, insights and statistics.
Why do I need to agree to an informed consent statement to submit data?
We want to make sure that you clearly understand how and why the data is being collected, as well as the ways you will be asked to participate and any risks or benefits there are in doing so.
What measures has tuifund taken to ensure that the data collected is safeguarded?
Tuifund has complied with Kenya Data Protection Act No. 24 of 2019 and is regulated by the office of the data commissioner.
We have a clearly outlined data privacy policy that guides our operations.